In the dynamic digital world, every business wants its website to clinch the top spot on search engines. For dental practices, it’s no different. Dental websites can gain a competitive edge and consistently attract new patients by adopting a well-planned SEO competitor analysis. But how do you precisely conduct an SEO competitive analysis tailored to dental sites? Let’s dive in.


Understanding the Need for SEO Competitor Analysis

Before implementing any SEO strategy, you must know where you stand relative to your competitors. Competitive analysis gives you insights into what strategies are working for others in the industry, allowing you to craft a more effective approach for your dental website.


Identifying Direct Business Competitors

Your first step is to identify your competitors. These aren’t just other dental practices but those with higher search result rankings for relevant keywords. Tools like Google Search and Google Search Console can help identify websites with highly relevant keyword rankings.


Keyword Competitor Analysis: A Vital Step

Start by compiling keywords your competitors rank for and compare them against your target keywords. Tools such as an SEO tool or analysis tool will help identify keyword gaps and give insights into keyword difficulty. This means finding high-search volume terms with low competition, often niche keywords tailored for specific dental services.


content power with seo vs dental competitorsSearch Intent: Catering to the User

Understanding a user’s search intent is crucial. Are they looking for information (e.g., “What is a root canal?”) or a specific service (e.g., “root canal treatment Sydney”)? Crafting relevant content that aligns with the search intent can drive more organic search traffic to your site.


Deep Dive: Technical SEO Competitor Analysis

While content is king, technical SEO forms the castle’s foundation. Key technical SEO elements ensure search engines navigate and understand your website correctly.


Site Structure Insights

Examine your competitor’s website structure. How are their landing pages organised? A well-organised site helps search engines find and index content, leading to better rankings. Your goal is to ensure search engines navigate your site smoothly.


Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

These play a pivotal role in influencing click-through rates from search results. By analysing competitors’ title tags and meta descriptions, you can get insights into how to craft compelling ones for your own dental site.


Technical SEO Gaps

Using an SEO tool, identify technical SEO gaps in competitor sites. This might include issues with how search engines navigate their site, missing meta descriptions, or problems stemming from search engine algorithm changes. Addressing these on your site can give you an edge.


Content: The Cornerstone of Your SEO Strategy

The strength of your content can make or break your SEO efforts. Conducting a competitive analysis of competitors’ content is essential.


seo strategy stand dental website competitorsTop Ranking Pages

Identify which web pages of your competitors rank high in organic search results.

Analysing the content of these top-ranking pages can give insights into creating more compelling and relevant content for your audience.


Featured Snippets and Other Goldmines

Aim to rank for featured snippets on search engines. Analyse how competitors are leveraging these and adapt your content strategy accordingly.


Avoiding Duplication

While getting inspiration from other websites is great, duplicating content can harm your SEO performance. Ensure that your content, while informed by competitors’, remains unique.


Off-Page SEO: The Battle Beyond Your Site

Your website is just the beginning. Off-page SEO, including referring domains and backlinks, plays a crucial role in how search engines perceive your site’s credibility.


Backlink Analysis

Identify which websites link back to your competitors. Tools can help analyse the strengths and weaknesses of these backlinks, providing you with a roadmap for your own off-page SEO efforts. Aim to gain backlinks from reputable news sites and authoritative domains in the dental field.


Paid Search Insights

While our focus is on organic search, understanding which keywords your competitors target for paid search can offer insights into their overall digital marketing strategy.


Bringing it All Together: Crafting Your Dental SEO Strategy

By now, you should have a robust understanding of where your dental website stands and the steps required to outperform your competition. Incorporating the insights from your SEO competition analysis, craft a comprehensive SEO strategy. Focus on your unique strengths, address your weaknesses, and always stay updated with search engine algorithm changes.

Remember, SEO isn’t a one-time task but an ongoing process. Regularly update your competitive analysis for SEO, adapting to new keywords, technical elements, and content strategies as the digital landscape evolves.



The Digital Dental Playground: Local SEO and Social Signals

In the realm of competitive analysis for SEO, particularly for dental websites, one cannot ignore the power of local SEO and the role of social signals. Let’s delve deeper into these facets to ensure your dental practice’s digital presence is optimised on all fronts.


Why Local SEO Matters for Dental Websites

Imagine a potential patient searching “best dentist near me” on Google. The immediacy of that search intent is evident – they’re looking for local services and are likely ready to book an appointment. Local SEO ensures your dental practice is visible and easily accessible to this potential patient.


Localised Keyword Research

Beyond the generic “dental implants” or “teeth whitening,” you should incorporate localised keywords into your SEO strategy. Terms like “Brisbane family dentist” or “Sydney dental specialists” tap into the local user’s search intent.

Using tools like Google Search Console, identify specific keywords driving local traffic to your competitor sites. Where do they rank for local search queries? Which localised keywords are they missing? This gap is where you can find your edge.


Google My Business: Your Dental Directory

Claiming and optimising your Google My Business (GMB) listing is pivotal. Ensure that your practice’s name, address, and phone number (NAP) are exactly the same across all online platforms. Regularly update your listing with high-quality images of your clinic and your services, and encourage satisfied patients to leave positive reviews. Monitor how your competitors leverage their Google My Business listings and seek to offer something more valuable.


boosting dental seoTapping into the Power of Social Signals

Social signals, including likes, shares, and comments from social media platforms, may indirectly influence your dental website’s SEO. While search engines like Google haven’t explicitly stated that social signals directly impact a website’s rank, there’s no denying the correlation between strong social engagement and higher search rankings.


A Pulse on Patient Engagement

Regularly monitor your dental practice’s social media engagement. Which posts generate the most interaction? How are competitors engaging their followers? Tools can provide insights into your social performance and offer a comparative analysis against your competitors. This information helps tailor your content strategy, ensuring that you’re always a step ahead.


Backlinks: The Social Media Advantage

High-quality backlinks are SEO gold. While most backlink strategies focus on traditional websites, don’t forget the potential of social media. Engaging, shareable content can earn backlinks from reputable sources, amplifying your dental practice’s online presence. Analyse the type of content your competitors are posting, identify what’s garnering their backlinks, and innovate from there.


User Experience (UX) and Mobile Optimisation

In the current digital era, user experience can make or break your website’s effectiveness.


Seamless Navigation

How easily can users find the information they’re seeking on your website? A well-structured website not only aids search engines but also enhances user experience. Analysing competitor sites will give you an idea of popular structures and layouts in the dental niche. Aim to offer a more streamlined and user-friendly experience.


Mobile-First Indexing: The Digital Imperative

With Google’s shift to mobile-first indexing, ensuring your website is mobile-optimised is no longer optional. Regularly test your website’s mobile compatibility and speed. Compare your site’s performance on mobile devices against competitors and iron out any glitches or slow-loading pages.


The Feedback Loop: Patient Reviews and Testimonials

Feedback, in the form of reviews and testimonials, can greatly influence a prospective patient’s decision. Moreover, they play a role in your local SEO ranking.


Encourage Genuine Feedback

Regularly encourage satisfied patients to leave reviews, especially on your Google My Business listing. Responding to these positive or negative reviews shows prospective patients that you value feedback and are dedicated to constant improvement.


Competitor Analysis: Reviews Edition

Dive into reviews of competitor dental clinics. What are patients frequently praising or complaining about? This feedback can offer valuable insights into service gaps or areas of improvement, helping refine your patient experience.


Harnessing the Power of Content in Dental SEO

In the sprawling realm of SEO, content remains king. A sound content strategy for dental websites can set the stage for organic search success. Let’s navigate through the essence of content creation, curation, and distribution in enhancing your dental website’s visibility and relevance.


Dental Blogging: A Toothsome Approach

Incorporating a regularly updated blog section on your dental website serves multiple purposes. It establishes your clinic as an authority, addresses patient queries, and is a potent tool for keyword integration.


Diverse Topics, Unified Goal

From “When should children get braces?” to “The latest innovations in dental surgery,” the topics are countless. By researching your competitors’ content and coupling that with insights from tools like Google Search Console, you can identify areas, your competitors may have missed or not thoroughly covered. Creating content in these niches will not only appeal to your audience but also give search engines fresh, relevant content to index.


Long-form Vs. Short-form: Striking a Balance

The debate between long-form and short-form content is eternal. However, the trick is in maintaining a balance. While short-form articles (around 500-800 words) are quicker to read and can address specific, narrow topics, long-form content (typically over 1,200 words) is ideal for comprehensive guides or in-depth analyses. Assess the mixture of content forms on competitor sites to determine potential gaps.


Engaging Visuals: Beyond the Written Word

A dental website can benefit immensely from rich, engaging visuals. Photos, infographics, and videos can enhance user engagement and reduce bounce rates.


Before-and-After Galleries

Showcasing before-and-after pictures of dental treatments not only gives potential patients an insight into the results they can expect but also builds trust. However, it’s essential to ensure that these images are optimised for web viewing to not slow down your site’s loading time.


technical seo elements checking competition dental practiceVideo Marketing: The Underrated SEO Tool

Incorporating videos, whether they’re patient testimonials or explainer clips on dental procedures, can give your dental website an edge.

Videos tend to keep visitors on your site longer, which can signal search engines about the site’s value.

Moreover, videos can be optimised for search, targeting specific keywords.


Interactive Tools: Elevating User Experience

In the age of interactive web elements, dental websites can leverage tools that enhance user engagement.


Virtual Smile Assessments

Offering potential patients an opportunity to evaluate their dental needs through an interactive smile assessment tool can significantly increase on-site time. Such tools also provide value to users, further establishing your website’s authority.


Chatbots and AI Assistants

Immediate query resolution can enhance user experience manifold. Incorporating chatbots or AI assistants, especially ones tailored for dental queries, can provide instant answers, increasing the likelihood of potential patients taking tangible actions, like booking appointments.


Staying Updated: The Dental News Section

A section dedicated to the latest in dental technology, research, and practices can serve as a magnet for both patients and industry professionals. Regularly updating this section with summaries or interpretations of the latest dental research, news on emerging dental technologies, or even updates about your clinic can infuse your website with a sense of dynamism.


Backlinks Through Guest Posts

Engaging in guest posts on renowned dental platforms or health news sites can not only offer authoritative backlinks but also establish your clinic’s reputation in the wider dental community. Research where your competitors are guest posting and identify potential platforms they may have overlooked.


User Feedback and Community Building

An interactive Q&A section or community forum can foster a sense of community among your patients and website visitors. Addressing commonly asked dental questions or allowing patients to share their experiences can enhance user engagement and provide valuable user-generated content.


Time to Boost Your Dental SEO with Mediboost

Crafting a successful SEO strategy requires expertise, time, and the right tools. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure about the next steps for your dental website, we’re here to help.

At Mediboost, we specialise in tailoring high-impact SEO strategies for dental practices. Our team is well-versed in competitive analysis for SEO, ensuring your dental website not only ranks but excels.

Ready to elevate your dental practice’s online visibility? Book a consultation with Mediboost or call us on 1300 163 058 today and let our experts guide your SEO journey to success. Your potential patients are searching – ensure they find you first.




What Is Competitor Analysis? Definition + Step-by-Step Guide | Coursera

Social Media and Health Care Professionals: Benefits, Risks, and Best Practices – PMC

How to Do an SEO Competitor Analysis (Free Template) – Moz