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Healthcare marketing in Australia is a complex arena to charter and we know that the most effective strategy involves two teams: the subject matter experts and the technical experts. Mediboost is a healthcare marketing agency that can package and sell your expertise to your market. Our focus is on getting you new patient calls.

What Is Healthcare Marketing?

Healthcare marketing is the process of promoting medical, dental and healthcare services to a target audience, within the prevailing regulatory frameworks.  While the subject matter expert (usually the client) may know the most about the business, you may have a limited knowledge of the Guidelines for Advertising Regulated Health Services. Partnering with a healthcare advertising firm like Mediboost to create a healthcare marketing strategy makes the difference.

Compliant Healthcare Marketing

The Guidelines for Advertising Regulated Health Services have been drawn up for anyone who provides or advertises a regulated health service. The guidelines highlight the importance of providing accurate, factual information to empower consumers to make decisions. Breaching these guidelines can have serious consequences.

Not only can inexperience get you into trouble, it can also set you off down the wrong path if you’re broadcasting the wrong message or saying it to the wrong crowd. It means your audience won’t hear or see you, and you waste unnecessary budget.

Effective Healthcare Marketing For Healthcare Professionals

An effective healthcare advertising plan

  • Conveys a consistent and professional message
  • Focuses on the needs of the patient
  • Highlights the unique selling propositions of the practice
  • Is targeted at the right segment and conveyed to the appropriate target audience

Effective Healthcare Marketing In A Digital World

It’s no secret that the world is evolving at a rapid pace. Technologies are changing, patient behaviours are changing, and the strategy that may have brought loads of new patients in ten years ago is now obsolete.

establish good content
Not only that, every new year sees more competition entering the market.

Working with a specialist healthcare marketing firm means that your medical or dental practice doesn’t have to worry about the rate of change or how to keep up with these new technologies.

Mediboost stays on top of algorithm updates and search engine submissions so that you can stay focused on helping your patients.

How Can We Help?

So it all sounds great in theory but how does it work and what will we do to get you there?

Setting healthcare marketing goals

We know that every client of ours wants more patients but how many more? Over what period of time? Which areas should they come from and what do they need to hear to make a booking? Setting realistic goals is essential to measure the success of any campaign.

Procuring the most appropriate tech for your brand

As technical experts it’s our job to guide you towards the most effective technologies for your business. We spent most of the day researching, testing and trouble shooting the latest and greatest so that you don’t have to. We also know that what works for one client is not necessarily the way to go for another.

Solution implementation

A lot of practices are tech-savvy and heavily resourced. Some of them are even tempted to manage their own campaigns but we also know that when the phone is ringing or a medical emergency, those are the issues that need to get dealt with first. When you work with Mediboost your marketing runs independently of your schedule regardless of how busy the office might be.

Measuring progress and benchmarking success

If you’ve worked with a healthcare marketing firm before you have probably received a heap of reports at the end of every month. And you’ve probably realised that they could very well be written in hieroglyphics because they are utterly meaningless unless you’re a marketer.

Action and activity is important but results need to be sought out so you can reap a return on your investment. Our reporting strategy is based on your bottom line- how many patients have converted as a direct result of our healthcare marketing efforts.

Then, there’s the thinking around corners and miracle-mongering that takes place behind the scenes, but we won’t bore you with all of that just right now.

How Can Mediboost Market Your Healthcare Business?

We need to have a chat and a cup of coffee first up. We need to hear about your business, when you started and what you envisage for your future growth.

There’ll be a bit of number crunching and budget speak too. After all, we need to ensure that you get a decent return on your investment.

Based on your history, current state and future goals we will devise a strategy to get your brand front of mind for your target audience. Our strategy will be focused on achieving those goals. You’ll have a dedicated account manager who will manage all communications and keep you in the loop.

The tools that we will need include:

An effective online brand

  • As many as 70% of your users will visit your website on a mobile phone.
  • Is your site mobile compatible?
  • Has the information and graphics been laid out in a manner that is intuitive and easy to follow?
  • Can users find what they need quickly?
  • Is your content interesting?
  • Is your content focused and targeted enough to satisfy your user’s query?
  • Does your website lead your users to a single goal – namely to encourage them to make an appointment? How easy is it to make an appointment once your receptionist has left the practice for the day?

If you could answer no to any of the questions above there is a very big chance that you are losing out on healthcare marketing to a chunk of potential patients.

Patients reach out to brands they identify with and if it is too much hard work to find out more, they really would prefer to move on.

Your website is open 24-hours a day and it needs to continue the work of selling your brand long after the staff have left the office. We can help you with compliant website design, effective healthcare marketing and a professional online brand.

A patient-centric experience

So many brands shine the spotlight on themselves. They brag about their awards and accolades and why they’re the best at what they do. And they fail on a very important point: what’s in the experience for the patient?

By looking at your brand from the outside in, our team of healthcare marketing experts will create strategic messages that speak to the needs and wants of your target audience.

We will also differentiate you from your competitors because the goal is not to offer your service or product to everyone who needs it, it’s to find the audience that wants what you have to offer. We’ll help you carve out your niche.

High search visibility

Patients turn to the Internet to make buying decisions. And even more so when they’re looking for a new product or service. The modern consumer has also wised up to Google Ads and is aware of being marketed to. High visibility in Google’s organic search results and local Maps literally puts your brand in sight.

Search engine optimisation is the healthcare marketing process of making your website visible to search engines like Google. It means creating the answers to the questions your potential patients have, and establishing you as an industry thought leader.

In today’s online market content is king and we know that busy medical professionals do not have the time or inclination to create content when they have patients to see. Our SEO experts are highly experienced at healthcare marketing in the medical and dental industries and can work alongside your team to create compelling, accurate content that will answer your users’ questions.

healthcare marketing

A Long-Term Collaboration

Healthcare marketing is a highly specialised field that requires a successful collaboration between subject matter experts (the client) and the technical expert (us). It requires a strategy to be followed, regardless of how busy the practice gets or how thin the resources are. A partnership with Mediboost combines your professional strengths with our market expertise and lays the foundation for success. We’re looking for long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with clients that value cost-effective healthcare marketing that yields results and brings in new patients. To find out more about a healthcare marketing plan or speak to a professional, we should meet! Please contact us for a chat: 1300 163 058.