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As a doctor or healthcare practice owner, you might have heard that Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) helps patients find you online. But now, you’re asking: “How many keywords should I use for SEO?”

Don’t worry. We’re here to make it super simple! This guide will explain everything you need about keywords to grow your practice. Let’s jump in!

Why Are Keywords Important In SEO?

When someone needs a service, they often turn to Google or other search engines. They type in words or phrases—these are called keywords.

For example, a patient might search for “gentle dentist near me” or “deep tissue massage for back pain.”

Using the right keywords makes it easier for people to find you when they search for your services. Keywords act like a bridge between your practice and the patients who need your help.

What Are Primary Keywords?

Primary keywords are the most important keywords for each page on your website. Think of them as the page’s main idea or focus.

For example, if your page is about check-ups, your primary keyword may be “dental check-ups.” This helps search engines show the page to people looking for this service.

What Are Secondary Keywords?

Secondary keywords are supporting words or phrases related to your primary keyword. They give more detail and depth to your content.

How Many Keywords Should I Use For SEO internetFor example, if your main keyword is “dental check-ups,” your secondary keywords may be:

  • “family dental care”
  • “routine dental visits”
  • “dental check-ups for kids”

These secondary keywords help search engines connect your page with a wider audience.

What Are Long Tail Keywords?

Long tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases. They aren’t as searchable as primary or secondary keywords but are still helpful.

For example:

  • “best dentist for children in Melbourne”
  • “affordable physio for sports injuries in Sydney”

Long tail keywords target patients who know what they want. This means they’re often closer to booking a service or deciding.

Why Are Keywords Crucial For SEO Success?

Long tail, primary, and secondary keywords create clear content for Google to understand. This means:

  • More people will find your website.
  • Patients searching for your services will see your site.
  • You’ll have a better chance of connecting with the right audience.

Using the right keywords makes your website more visible to the people who need your care the most. It’s a simple step with a big impact!

How Many Keywords Should I Use For SEO?

If you’re new to SEO, you might wonder, “How many SEO keywords should I use on my website?” It’s an important question, and we’re here to help you answer it!

Primary Keyword

Each page on your website should focus on one primary keyword. This is the main word or phrase that describes the page’s topic.

For example, if you have a page about teeth cleaning, your main keyword can be “teeth cleaning services.”

Having one main keyword helps search engines know what your page is about. This makes it easier for patients to find your page when they search for related terms.

Secondary Keywords

You can also use secondary keywords. These are related words or phrases that support your primary keyword. Think of them as extra details that help explain your page even more.

For example, if your primary keyword is “teeth cleaning services,” secondary ones may be:

  • “professional teeth cleaning”
  • “dental cleaning near me”
  • “oral hygiene services”

Make sure you don’t stuff your content with too many keywords. Adding 3-5 secondary keywords is a good amount. These keywords help Google understand your page and make it more useful to visitors.

How To Pick The Right Keywords

Finding the right keywords is one of the most important parts of SEO. Keywords help people find your website when they search for services like yours. Here’s how you can choose the best keywords for your website:

Step 1: Think About Your Patients

The first step is to think about what your patients are looking for. Put yourself in their shoes. What do they ask when they visit your clinic? Perhaps they want gentle dental care or need a GP near them.

These are common phrases that people might type into Google when they need help.

Think about the questions your patients ask most often. These could be great starting points for your keywords. For example:

  • “Best dentist for kids”
  • “Affordable dental care”
  • “Family-friendly dental clinic”

These phrases can guide you in choosing keywords your patients will search for. The goal is to make your website appear when people need your services.

Step 2: Use Keyword Research Tools

Once you have an idea of the phrases your patients might use, it’s time to do a bit of research. Tools like Google Keyword Planner help you find popular keywords for which people are searching.

These tools give you a list of keywords with the number of searches they get each month. That way, you can choose the ones that make sense for your website.

When you look at keywords, you want to find ones that many people are searching for but that aren’t too competitive. Competitive keywords can be hard to rank for. This is often the case if many other businesses use them.

Instead, aim for keywords that strike a balance. These are the keywords that are searched for by many people but aren’t used by every dental clinic in your area.

Step 3: Match Patient Needs

Now that you’ve found a list of keywords, think about what your patients are actually looking for. Some patients might be ready to book an appointment. Yet, others may just be starting to learn about your services.

For example, someone who types “dental check-up near me” is most likely looking for an appointment. But someone who types “how to prevent cavities” might be looking for advice.

Match your keywords to the different types of patients you want to reach. Focus on “booking-related keywords” like “dentist near me” to attract ready patients. If you want to educate people first, use informative keywords like “how to care for your teeth”.

Matching your keywords to what your patients are searching for makes it easier for them to find you.

Final Tip: Keep It Local

How Many Keywords Should I Use For SEO procedureSince you’re a healthcare provider, many of your patients will be looking for services near them. Make sure to include location-based keywords like:

  • “dentist in Sydney”
  • “dental care in Melbourne”
  • “GP near Brisbane”

These local keywords will help people in your area find your clinic quickly.

Choosing keywords is about understanding your patients’ needs and using tools to phrase them. But it doesn’t stop here; you must match those keywords to your patients’ needs. These steps can help more people find your practice online and get the care they want.

Using Keywords The Right Way

Now that you’ve picked the best keywords for your website, the next step is to use them in the right places. Let’s look at some easy ways to make sure your keywords are working for you:

Use Keywords In Your Content

The first place to use your keywords is in the content on your page. When you write your website text, try to include your keywords naturally.

For example, if your primary keyword is “best dentist in Sydney,” don’t write it over and over again. Instead, try to use it in a natural way that makes sense to your readers.

For example, instead of writing “best dentist in Sydney” all over the page, you can say:

  • “Our dentist in Sydney offers the best care for your family.”
  • “Looking for the best dentist in Sydney? We can help you!”

This way, your keywords still appear, but it helps patients understand your message. The key is to use your keywords in a way that feels natural and makes sense for the reader.

Optimise Your Titles

Another important place to use your keywords is in the titles of your pages. The title is what people see when they search for your website, so it’s important to make it clear and helpful. Try to include your primary keyword in the title of each page.

For example:

  • Instead of writing “Welcome to Our Website”, you can say: “Family Dental Care in Brisbane”.

This title has your main keyword, “family dental care,” and mentions the location. This means that people know exactly what your page is about and where you’re located.

You should also use keywords in your headings. This helps both people and search engines understand what your page is about. For example, use headings like:

  • “Affordable Dental Care in Melbourne”
  • “Why Choose Our Dentist in Sydney?”

Add Keywords To Images

Did you know that you can also use keywords in your images? When you add pictures to your website, include keywords in your image descriptions (alternative texts). This helps your website show up in image searches on Google.

For example, if you have an image of a dentist treating a child, you can add an image description like:

  • “Gentle dentist for kids in Sydney”

This way, your image can help people find your page because it has a specific keyword that you’re targeting.

What Is Keyword Density?

Keyword density is how often a keyword appears in your content compared to the total number of words on the page. It’s a way to measure if you’re using your keywords too much or just the right amount.

For example, if you have a 100-word page and mention your keyword twice, the keyword density is 2%. This means your keyword appears twice out of 100 words.

A good range for keyword density is 1-2%. This means your keyword is used enough to help search engines understand your page but not so much that it feels forced or unnatural.

Why Does Keyword Density Matter?

Keyword density is important because it helps keep your content natural and readable.

Imagine you’re reading a page about dental visits and check-ups, but every other sentence repeats the phrase “dental check-ups”. Keyword stuffing is distracting and makes the page feel unnatural.

But, when you use your keywords in the right amount—1-2%—your page stays smooth and easy to read. The keywords flow in a way that is simple for patients to find the information they want.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I update the keywords on my website?

You should check and update your keywords if you make changes to your services or if new trends come up. You can use Google Analytics to see which keywords bring people to your website and change them to help improve your ranking.

Should I use the same keyword on many pages?

It’s better to use one main keyword on each page. Using the same keyword on many pages can confuse search engines. Instead, use relevant keywords to show different parts of your services.

Do I need to use keywords in my URL?

Yes, adding your main keyword to the URL of your page can help make your website easier to find. For example, a page about dental cleanings might have a URL that ends with “/dental-cleaning-services.” This helps search engines understand the page and can improve your ranking.

The Bottom Line

How Many Keywords Should I Use For SEO searchKeywords are the building blocks of good SEO. Picking and using the right keywords in the right places can help patients find your practice.

Start simple. Choose one main keyword for a page and write useful information around it. Little by little, your website will improve, and more people will find you online. You’ve got this!

Let our team in Sydney help more patients find your website! Contact Mediboost today at 1300 163 058 if you’re ready to improve your SEO strategies. We can make your practice easy to find and loved by patients.

Reach out now, and let’s make your website shine!


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