In the digital marketing era, it’s not enough to create content; it must be SEO-friendly. Especially for niche sectors like dentistry, where the competition is fierce, and the stakes are high. So, how do you write SEO content that search engines love and, more importantly, your potential patients find useful? We’re here to guide you step by step.

The Foundation: Understanding SEO

Before diving into the specifics of how to write SEO content, it’s crucial to understand what SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is. SEO is the art and science of crafting your website and its content in a way that search engines like Google favour and rank higher in search results. This, consequently, attracts organic traffic to your site.

Keyword Research: Getting to the Heart of SEO Content



Imagine writing a spectacular piece on dental health without understanding what your potential patients are searching for. This would be like shooting arrows in the dark. The bedrock of any SEO content strategy is robust keyword research. This process does more than just identifying keywords; it’s about understanding:

  • User’s Search Query: The specific terms and phrases your potential patients use when seeking dental services. For instance, are they more often typing ‘teeth whitening’ or ‘tooth bleaching’?
  • Search Volume: Insights into the frequency of these search terms can guide the relevancy and potential success of your content.
  • Competitive Landscape: Some keywords might have high search volume but are saturated with competition. Knowing where you stand can influence your strategy.

Sophisticated tools like Ahrefs or Google’s Keyword Planner offer an advantage. Not only do they suggest primary keywords, but they also give a treasure trove of related keywords, expanding your content’s reach and relevance.

SEO Writing: Balancing Act Between Search Engines and Humans

Writing SEO-friendly content isn’t about stuffing your article with keywords. It’s about how you can make your content align with the user’s intent. Here are a few tips to get started:

  • Understand Search Intent: Every search query has an intent. For instance, ‘dental implant procedure’ suggests a need for information, while ‘dental implant clinic near me’ is transactional.
  • Craft Relevant Content: Once you know the intent, craft your blog post or article to address that specific need. If a patient wants to know about dental braces, provide comprehensive information, possibly with images or infographics.
  • Avoid Keyword Stuffing: Using your target keyword naturally is essential. However, avoid overloading your content with too many keywords. This can lead to penalisation by search engines.
  • Use Keywords in Important Areas: The title, subheadings, meta descriptions, and first paragraph are critical. Make sure your main keyword appears in these sections, but again, ensure it reads naturally.

The Structure: Making Content Digestible

Even the best content can be lost if it’s presented in a massive text wall. Keep these SEO content writing tips in mind when structuring your blog:

  • Headers & Sub-headers: Break your content using H1, H2, and H3 tags. These not only guide readers but also assist search engines in deciphering the hierarchy of your content.
  • Internal Links: Connect your content. If you’ve written other blog posts that are relevant, link to them. Internal links help distribute page authority and guide visitors to other valuable resources on your site.
  • Images & Alt Text: Visual aids can break the monotony of text. If you use images, remember to use an appropriate alt text, which helps search engines understand the context of the image.

Beyond Words: The Technical Backbone of SEO Content

While the actual writing is paramount, the digital scaffolding supporting your content is equally crucial.

  • how to write seo content resultsMeta Descriptions: This is your content’s elevator pitch on the search engine results pages. An engaging meta description can be the difference between a click and a pass.
  • Adapting to Mobile: With a sizeable chunk of users accessing content via smartphones and tablets, ensuring your content is mobile-optimised isn’t optional; it’s mandatory.
  • Credibility through External Linking: Think of external links as endorsements. Linking to authoritative sources can amplify your content’s credibility.

The Art of Crafting Engaging Headlines in SEO Content

In the vast sea of online content, your headline acts as the lighthouse, guiding readers towards your article. While writing SEO-friendly content, the significance of the headline cannot be overemphasised. A well-optimised headline can significantly enhance your content’s discoverability when considering search engines like Google. However, beyond the algorithmic considerations, the allure of the headline determines whether a potential reader will click on your article or scroll past it.

  • Keyword Placement in Headlines: Embedding your target keyword within the headline is SEO 101. But remember, it needs to be natural. A headline should primarily cater to humans, with search engines being the secondary audience.
  • Engaging Yet Precise: Headlines need to spark curiosity but also be straightforward. A user should get a snapshot of what the article entails.

Enriching SEO Content with Multimedia Elements

With the explosion of high-speed internet access across Australia, multimedia, including videos, infographics, and interactive elements, have become integral components of enriched content. Multimedia can increase the time a visitor spends on your page, indirectly boosting SEO.

  • Video Content and SEO: Videos can simplify complex topics like dental procedures. Platforms like YouTube, owned by Google, can also act as secondary search engines. Properly optimised videos with SEO-friendly titles, descriptions, and tags can fetch organic traffic.
  • Infographics: In the digital space, an image is worth over a thousand words. Infographics can break down intricate subjects, such as the benefits of a dental procedure, into digestible visuals. But always ensure the accompanying alt text is well-optimised.

User Experience (UX) and SEO: The Inextricable Link

While many consider SEO and UX to be distinct domains, they’re intertwined in many ways. A stellar user experience can lead to longer page visits, reduced bounce rates, and more social shares, indirectly influencing SEO.

  • Page Load Speed: Users, especially on mobile devices, have little patience for slow-loading sites. Tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights can provide insights and suggestions to enhance load times.
  • Easy Navigation: A user should be able to find what they’re looking for swiftly. A well-structured site with a clear hierarchy, breadcrumbs, and a search function can significantly improve UX.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: With a surge in smartphone content consumption, ensuring your dental website is mobile-friendly isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity.

Voice Search and SEO: The Emerging Frontier

As more Australians adopt smart speakers and voice-activated assistants, voice search is becoming a significant player in the SEO landscape. The nature of voice search is conversational, which has implications for SEO content writing.

  • Long-tail Keywords: Voice searches are generally longer and more natural. Instead of typing “best dentist in Sydney,” a user might ask, “Who is the best dentist in Sydney for braces?” Optimising for such long-tail keywords can be advantageous.
  • Local SEO: Voice searches are often local. People might inquire, “Where’s the nearest dental clinic?” Ensuring your local SEO is on point, with an updated Google My Business listing, can fetch more footfalls to your clinic.

Ethical SEO: Staying in the Good Books of Search Engines

Some might be tempted to deploy ‘black hat’ SEO techniques in the quest for higher rankings. These shortcuts might offer temporary gains but can lead to penalties in the long run.

  • Originality in Content: Plagiarism isn’t just ethically wrong; it’s detrimental from an SEO perspective. Tools like Copyscape can ensure the uniqueness of your content.
  • Avoiding Cloaking: This involves showing one piece of content to users but another to search engines. Such deceptive practices can lead to your site being blacklisted.
  • Steer Clear of Link Farms: While backlinks are essential for SEO, obtaining them from dubious sources or link farms can be counterproductive.

The Role of Social Signals in SEO: Delving Deeper

In today’s digital age, the boundaries between social media and SEO are increasingly blurring. While search engines like Google have yet to confirm the direct impact of social signals on search rankings, the ripple effects are palpable and noteworthy.

Amplifying Content Reach:

  • Strategic Sharing: Merely sharing your dental blog posts isn’t enough. Consider the best times to post for your audience, utilise effective hashtags, and craft attention-grabbing captions. Personalised content tailored to each platform’s audience – be it Facebook’s diverse demographic, Twitter’s real-time news hounds, or LinkedIn’s professional community – ensures maximum engagement.
  • Engaging with Influencers: Collaboration with dental influencers or thought leaders can boost your content’s reach and credibility. Their endorsement can offer a wider and often more engaged audience base.

Building Brand Authority:

  • Consistent Messaging: Consistency is vital. Maintaining uniformity across platforms reinforces brand identity, whether it’s the tone, aesthetics, or the content itself. For a dental practice, this might mean highlighting patient success stories, sharing behind-the-scenes looks into the clinic, or offering dental care tips.
  • Engagement Metrics Matter: Respond to comments, engage in meaningful dialogues, and participate in relevant discussions. This not only boosts your visibility but also positions your dental practice as an active, caring, and authoritative entity in the digital space.

Generating Organic Backlinks:

  • Quality Over Quantity: It’s not about how much content you produce but the value it offers. Exceptional, informative pieces on dental health are more likely to be shared by readers, bloggers, and even journalists. Each share increases the potential for organic backlinks.
  • Guest Blogging: Collaborate with other authoritative dental or health-focused sites. This not only provides a platform for quality backlinks but also helps in tapping into a broader audience base.

Understanding and Capitalising on EAT in SEO: Beyond the Basics

With Google’s ever-evolving algorithms, the emphasis on EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) has never been more pronounced, especially for sectors like healthcare, where misinformation can have real-world consequences.

Showcasing Credentials:

  • Professional Profiles: Dedicated sections on your dental website for each practitioner, elaborating on their educational background, experience, accolades, and even patient testimonials can accentuate their expertise.
  • Continuous Learning: Highlight any ongoing training, workshops, or conferences attended. This portrays a commitment to staying updated in the ever-evolving field of dentistry.

how to write seo content marketingCiting Reputable Sources:

  • Quality Over Quantity: Avoid citing generic information. Instead, opt for studies, research papers, or articles from renowned dental institutions or journals.
  • Transparency is Key: When referencing any study or data, ensure clarity. Readers should know who conducted the study, the number of participants, and other pertinent details. Transparency fortifies trust.

The Role of Analytics in Refining SEO Strategy: An Ongoing Process

In the realm of SEO, stagnation is regression. Leveraging analytics ensures you’re always a step ahead, aligning with the shifting sands of search engine algorithms and user preferences.

Identifying High-performing Content:

  • Dive Deeper with Data: Beyond just page views, examine metrics like average time spent on the page, bounce rate, and user flow. This provides granular insights into user behaviour and content resonance.
  • Content Lifecycle Management: SEO isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it game. Periodically review and update older content. Refreshing stats, adding new findings, or even revamping the format can breathe new life into them.

Spotting Technical Glitches:

  • Proactive Monitoring: Don’t wait for a dip in traffic to investigate potential issues. Regularly scheduled audits can preemptively identify and address problems, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Stay Updated: With the digital landscape perpetually evolving, what’s acceptable today might be flagged tomorrow. Keep up-to-date with updates from search engines to ensure compliance.

Incorporating Feedback for Content Iteration: Building Bridges

Feedback isn’t just a metric for evaluation; it’s an avenue for growth. A two-way communication channel between content creators and consumers is the backbone of an adaptive and effective SEO strategy.

  • Embrace Constructive Criticism: Not all feedback will be positive, and that’s okay. Constructive criticism can offer fresh perspectives, potentially highlighting areas of improvement that might’ve been overlooked.
  • Feedback Integration: While catering to every individual’s feedback is impractical, spotting recurring themes or suggestions can guide iterative content improvements.
  • Community Building: A loyal reader base is invaluable. By acknowledging their feedback, incorporating their suggestions, and fostering dialogues, you’re not just refining content but also building a community. In the long run, this community can be your most potent ally in the ever-competitive world of SEO content.

Leveraging Video Content in SEO for Dental Practices

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, video content is emerging as a dominant force. According to studies, a significant percentage of consumers would rather watch a video about a product or service rather than read about it. This offers dental practices a unique opportunity to demystify procedures, showcase patient testimonials, and offer a more personalised glimpse into the clinic’s ethos and values.

1. Video and Search Engines: A Synergistic Relationship

Search engines like Google have started displaying video content prominently in search results. When you embed a video on your dental website or blog post, this means you’re enhancing the content quality, making it more engaging and shareable. Videos can be optimised for search through:

  • Descriptive Titles: Incorporate relevant keywords that encapsulate the video’s essence. For instance, “Understanding Root Canal Procedure: A Step-by-Step Guide”.
  • Engaging Meta Descriptions: Write a brief, captivating summary of the video’s content, ensuring it aligns with the relevant search queries.
  • Transcripts: Adding video transcripts can be beneficial for both SEO and accessibility. It ensures that the content within the video can be crawled by search engines and understood by all users, including those with hearing impairments.

2. Videos as Trust Builders

Let’s face it: dental procedures can be daunting for many. Through video content, dental practices can:

  • Demystify Procedures: You can alleviate patient anxieties by visually breaking down complex dental procedures.
  • Showcase Patient Testimonials: Real stories from real people build trust. Candid testimonials can provide prospective patients with insights into the quality of care and service.
  • Introduce the Team: A friendly introduction to the dental team can humanise your practice, making it more relatable and approachable.

Voice Search Optimisation: The Future of SEO

With the proliferation of voice-activated devices and digital assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa, voice search is no longer a novelty; it’s a norm. For dental websites, this shift necessitates a recalibration of SEO strategies.

Understanding Voice Search Behaviour

how to write seo content dentalWhen people use voice search, their queries tend to be longer and more conversational. Instead of typing “best dentist Sydney”, they might say, “Who is the best dentist near me for teeth whitening?”.

  • Question-based Keywords: Incorporate long-tail keywords that mirror natural speech patterns. Tools like ‘Answer the Public’ can provide insights into common questions about dental health.
  • Local SEO Enhancement: Voice searches are often localised. Optimise for local search by ensuring your dental practice’s name, address, phone number, and operational hours are consistent across all online platforms.

Structured Data and Voice Search

Schema markup, also called structured data, helps search engines understand the context of your content. By integrating structured data, you can enhance the chances of your content being picked up in voice searches.

Diverse Content Formats: Catering to Varied User Preferences

While blog posts and articles remain foundational for SEO, diversifying content types can cater to a broader audience spectrum and drive higher engagement.

Infographics for Quick Consumption

Dental topics, especially those dealing with procedures or dental hygiene tips, can be transformed into visually captivating infographics. These are not only shareable across social media but also provide bite-sized, easily digestible information.

Interactive Quizzes and Assessments

Interactive content, like dental health quizzes or smile assessments, can actively engage visitors. Such tools offer personalised insights to the user and increase the time spent on the site, a metric that search engines like Google value.

E-books and Guides

Long-form content like e-books or comprehensive dental care guides can position your practice as a thought leader in the dental space. Such resources can be gated content, helping in lead generation while also offering value to the reader.

Dental Podcasts and SEO: An Unexplored Territory

Podcasting has witnessed a meteoric rise in popularity. This presents an uncharted avenue for dental practices to reach a dedicated listener base. Topics could range from discussions on dental innovations interviews with experts in the field, or addressing common dental myths.

SEO Optimisation for Podcasts

Like any other content form, podcasts can be optimised for search:

  • Descriptive Episode Titles: Incorporate target keywords in episode titles to enhance discoverability.
  • Show Notes with Transcripts: Detailed show notes, coupled with episode transcripts, can make the podcast content accessible and crawlable by search engines.
  • Encourage Reviews and Ratings: On platforms like Apple Podcasts, positive reviews and ratings can boost the podcast’s visibility, driving organic traffic.

Podcasts as Link-building Tools

Guest appearances on reputed dental or healthcare podcasts can pave the way for organic backlinks, bolstering the SEO efforts of your dental website.

Final Thoughts: The Importance of Authenticity

SEO is a tool, a means to an end. While optimising your content for search engines is essential, the genuine value comes from offering real, tangible value to your readers your potential patients. Authenticity breeds trust, and in the medical field, trust is everything.

If you’re overwhelmed with the intricacies of writing SEO content or need tailored strategies for your dental clinic, don’t hesitate. Call Mediboost at 1300 163 058 to get expert guidance and maximise your digital presence.

