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Mediboost specialises in medical website design and today we are going to have a look at how you can integrate your website seamlessly into your marketing strategy.

Why is this important?

Well, you have allocated a budget towards marketing and you want to see a return on your investment. In other words: you’ve spent some money on generating leads. Now what?

The next logical step for medical websites is to convert those leads into patient enquiries, letting them know that your services are now within their reach. But if your website hasn’t been touched since 2006 (it’s okay, it happens a lot), those leads may never actually get in touch.

So how do you turn those leads into new patients?

Medical websites must be up to standard and comply with best practice standards. That begins with the visual element. First impressions count for a lot, so your website design should be on-point.


A Generally Clean Website

If your business is in the medical or dental industry, you absolutely must have a clean website. Your website is a reflection of your practice and potential patients will be put off by a site that is cluttered, makes use of murky colours, or uses pixelated images.

That same precision that you apply to your practice should be applied to your website. Opt for a clean design where the pages have a neat hierarchy of information. If you’re unsure of how to do this consult with a specialist medical website design agency like Mediboost.


The Landing Page Layout

A landing page layout for medical websites is geared towards capturing information. The person who builds it understands the psychology of the visitor and deliberately place (or removes) details in order to affect that action.

And how does this translate into an actual page?

Well, firstly, you’ll have a page that is easy on the eye because it has been divided up into smaller chunks of information. The user won’t be overwhelmed by a wall of text because you have, very considerately, divided it up into smaller pieces that are easier for your reader to digest.

The sections will also be labelled with punchy subheadings so the reader can scan the information easily and pick out the bits that are interesting to his or query. It’s little things like this that influence whether that user stays or goes in the first 30 seconds.

The Landing Page Layout

Consider also making the landing page layout uncluttered. In some cases, this means removing some elements from medical websites. If you have chosen a goal for the page and the goal is to obtain your user’s contact details, you have a better chance of doing that when they land than if they navigate to another blog article or link out to your Facebook page.

Sometimes it’s a good idea to remove other menu navigation and additional information and really push for that lead to get in touch with you so you can answer the rest of their questions directly.


A Question And Answer Format

Delving deeper into the words that are on the page, this is where you’ll put on your salesman’s hat and imagine you’re actually talking to your user. In this conversation, you will imagine what has brought the user to the page and what problems he or she may be experiencing. You will acknowledge that problem and present the reasons why your practice has the answer.

Each section of information should give your user the opportunity to get in touch. Creating a dialogue with your target audience is a specialised skill that a medical copywriter can assist you with.

Get in touch

Make It Easy For Your User To Get In Touch

Thanks to today’s technologies you have plenty of contact channels at your disposal. Use them! Your potential patients are tech-savvy and pressed for time. They should never have to search for your contact information, you should make it easy to find.

What are some of those options?

Contact forms

A contact form is always a good idea because it allows you to standardise the information you capture for each lead and set required fields. Your marketing team will be able to track the origin of the form and add it as a goal to your campaigns so you can measure your ROI.

A chat window

Some people have questions they need answered and a chat window is a great way to de-congest your phone lines but offering online support. With some chat programs you get to see which pages the user was browsing so you can assist them with their query better.

Push to call button

Make your phone numbers live links so all your user has to do is one click on mobile and they can call you. This makes it so much easier for people to get in touch and it’ practical too because a large percentage of traffic will be visiting your site via mobile devices.

Google Maps

Don’t underestimate the power of a Google Maps listing. This will promote your practice to people in your area, and it is a useful place to refer patients who need directions to your practice. Embed your Google Map on your website so that people know where to find you.

Doing email marketing?

Don’t forget to include a newsletter sign up to your page, asking your leads what kind of information they would like to receive from you.


When Pictures Say A Thousand Words

The imagery that you are using in your medical digital marketing campaigns should also be used on your website. You are creating a visual identity and part of that requires visual recognisability. When your traffic lands after having clicked a digital ad campaign it helps if they see the same imagery from your campaign.

If you’re landing traffic from a remarketing campaign those users may have seen your advert tens of times. When that traffic lands it should associate that imagery with the rest of your brand.


Use Your Website To Push Social Media

Years ago social media was a conduit to a website. All social media channels had to lead to a website. Today those channels run multi-directionally and plenty of times there is more going on over the social media channels than there is on a medical or dental website.

If your social media channels have lots of activity and you want to promote them, consider adding a page feed to your website to give your web traffic a taste of what’s going on, and the option to follow you in your social neighbourhoods.

Need help with your medical website design? Medical websites is a niche that Mediboost specialises in and we’d love to help you start converting some of those leads. Please get in touch with us and let’s chat: 1300 163 058