Google My Business (GMB) ranking refers to the position of a business listing on Google’s search results when users search for related local businesses. A higher GMB ranking means the business listing appears earlier in search results, potentially leading to increased visibility and customer interaction. Factors influencing GMB ranking include relevance (how closely the listing matches the search), distance (how far the business is from the location specified), and prominence (how well-known the business is). Effective GMB optimisation strategies can boost a business’s online presence, drive more organic traffic, and ultimately increase customer engagement and conversions. 


How To Improve GMB Ranking?

The digital prominence of dental practices significantly hinges on their Google My Business (GMB) ranking. The importance of this ranking lies in its influence over the online visibility and accessibility of your dental practice. A higher GMB ranking ensures that your dental practice appears promptly in Google search results, offering the possibility of increased patient interaction and engagement. To specifically enhance the GMB ranking of dental practices, several strategies can be adopted. 


enhancing gmb rankings dental practicesPrecision and Completeness of Information

The cornerstone of a solid GMB profile lies in the accuracy and comprehensiveness of your practice’s information. Essential components include the Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) of your practice. Google utilises this NAP data to determine your relevance to a particular user’s search. Consequently, it’s vital to ensure your NAP information is consistent across all online platforms you use.

In addition, select an accurate business category with relevant searches such as ‘Dentist’ or ‘Dental Clinic’. Include appropriate subcategories like ‘Cosmetic Dentist’ to boost your ranking in searches pertaining to those specific services. A thorough business description is essential and should incorporate keywords potential patients would utilise while seeking dental services. 


Patient Reviews and Ratings

Patient reviews and their corresponding ratings significantly shape your GMB ranking. Motivate your patients to leave reviews and always respond swiftly and professionally, regardless of whether they are positive or negative. Regular engagement with reviews portrays to Google and potential patients that you are an active business invested in patient feedback and experiences. 


Visual Depictions and Virtual Tours

Enhance your GMB listing by uploading high-quality photos and possibly a virtual tour of your practice. Photos of your office environment, team members, and before-and-after treatment images can enrich your listing. Providing a virtual tour enables potential patients to gauge the atmosphere and comfort level of your practice, which can influence their decision when selecting a dentist.


Leverage Google Posts

Google Posts is an advantageous feature that allows businesses to disseminate updates, announcements, offers, etc., directly on their GMB listing. Consistently sharing content that is pertinent to your practice can engage potential patients and draw more traffic to your website. 


Simplify Online Appointment Scheduling

Integrating a link for online appointment scheduling within your GMB listing enhances the patient experience by providing an easy means of booking appointments. This feature is also factored into Google’s determination of your GMB ranking. 


Emphasis on Local SEO and Keyword Optimisation

Local SEO has a pivotal role in the elevation of local ranking and your GMB ranking. Your website should be fortified with local keywords and phrases that potential patients might use while searching for dental services in your vicinity. For example, if you operate in Chicago, incorporate terms such as ‘Chicago dentist’ or ‘dental clinic in Chicago’ in your website content and meta descriptions.

Additionally, with many local searches stemming from mobile devices, ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Google favours websites optimised for mobile in its local search to rank higher in rankings. 


Establish Local Citations

Local citations refer to online references to your business, including the business name, address, and phone number. They can be found on business directories, social media platforms, and other websites. Maintaining consistent local citations across the web solidifies the authenticity of your business and improves local search rankings. Consistency in your NAP information across all citations is paramount. 


gmb ranking impacting dental clinicHarness Google’s Q&A Feature

Google’s Q&A feature allows potential patients to inquire about your practice directly on your GMB listing. Regular monitoring and responses to these queries demonstrate to Google and potential patients your active engagement and attentiveness. 


Highlight Services and Products

Google permits businesses to add specific services and products to their GMB listing. Including all dental services, your practice offers can improve your ranking for searches related to these services. 


Scrutinise Insights

GMB offers insights into search engines that enable you to comprehend how people discover your business listing online. Regular examination of these insights can highlight effective strategies and areas for improvement, thereby enabling strategy adjustments. 


Frequent Updates of Your Listing

Refreshing your listing with current content and information is crucial. Google favours listings that are updated regularly.

To recap, improving your dental practice’s GMB ranking entails focusing on providing comprehensive and precise information, engaging with patient reviews, uploading quality photos, utilising Google Posts regularly, facilitating online appointment scheduling, optimising local SEO, establishing local citations, harnessing the Q&A feature, showcasing your services and products, analysing insights, and regularly updating your listing. The execution of these strategies can significantly amplify your online presence, heighten your visibility on Google, and draw more patients to your dental practice. 



How Do GMB Rankings Affect A Dental Practice?

The digital age has significantly transformed the way businesses operate and how customers discover and interact with these businesses. This holds true for all industries, including healthcare and, specifically, dental practices.

In this landscape, Google My Business (GMB) has emerged as a pivotal tool in shaping the digital presence of dental clinics. The GMB ranking of a dental clinic plays an essential role in determining its digital visibility and, consequently, its accessibility to potential patients. This article explores how GMB ranking impacts a dental clinic in a thousand words. 


Digital Visibility and Accessibility

The most obvious and immediate impact of GMB ranking is on a dental clinic’s digital visibility. The Internet has become the go-to resource for people seeking any kind of service, including dental care. When individuals require dental services, they usually begin by conducting a Google search. A higher business ranking ensures your dental practice appears promptly in these local search results on google maps, potentially even in the coveted “Local 3-pack,” the top three local business listings Google displays. This increased visibility directly enhances your clinic’s accessibility to potential patients, making it easier for them to discover and engage with your practice. 


Enhanced Local Presence

Business account ranking plays a crucial role in local search optimisation. A higher ranking signifies a strong local presence, making your dental clinic more discoverable to people in your vicinity searching for dental services. When your clinic or business dashboard ranks higher, it stands out among the local competition, which can make a significant difference in areas with multiple dental clinics. This visibility among local patients can drive foot traffic to your clinic, contributing positively to your business. 


Establishing Trust and Credibility

Trust and credibility are vital in the healthcare industry. A high GMB ranking can contribute significantly to establishing this trust and credibility for a dental clinic. When Google ranks a business highly, it is seen as a form of validation, indicating that the business is reputable and reliable. Additionally, the transparency that a GMB listing provides, including reviews, ratings, and detailed information about the practice, helps build trust with potential patients. 


dentist practice local seo gmb rankingPatient Engagement and Feedback

GMB is not just a platform for patients to find your clinic; it is also a platform for interaction and feedback. Patients can leave reviews about their experience at your clinic, ask questions, and even book appointments directly through your GMB listing. Higher-ranked listings are often more actively managed, leading to quicker and more professional responses to reviews and queries. This active engagement can significantly enhance patient satisfaction and promote patient retention. 


Marketing Insights

A high GMB ranking can provide valuable marketing insights. GMB offers an analytics tool that gives you data about how people find your clinic, what keywords they use, where they come from, and more. These insights can help you understand your patient base better, allowing you to tailor your services and marketing strategies to meet their needs and preferences more effectively. 


Boosts Online and Offline Traffic

The impact of GMB ranking is not limited to online visibility; it also influences offline traffic to your clinic. According to Google, businesses that confirm their basic information with Google My Business are much more likely to be considered reputable by consumers. When potential patients can find comprehensive, accurate information about your dental clinic easily online, they are more likely to visit your clinic in person. 


Competitive Advantage

A high GMB ranking provides a competitive edge in the crowded dental market. It distinguishes your clinic from others and puts it in front of potential patients who are actively seeking dental services. When your GMB listing provides an easy way for patients to find important information, read reviews, and make appointments, your dental clinic becomes the preferred choice. 


Patient Conversion

A well-optimised GMB listing does not just attract potential patients; it plays a key role in their conversion journey. By providing all the necessary information, showcasing positive reviews, and making it easy for potential patients to engage with your clinic or book an appointment, your GMB listing can turn searchers into actual patients. 


Brand Image and Reputation

Lastly, the way your dental clinic appears on Google contributes significantly to your overall brand image and reputation. A high GMB ranking, combined with positive reviews, accurate information, and active engagement, presents a positive image of your clinic to the public. It showcases your clinic as a reputable, patient-focused practice that values transparency and quality care.

In conclusion, the impact of GMB ranking on a dental clinic is multi-dimensional, influencing everything from digital visibility and patient engagement to brand reputation and patient conversion. In the competitive and increasingly digital world of healthcare services, a high GMB ranking is an asset that can significantly enhance the success and growth of your dental clinic. 


Can A Dental Professional Manage GMB Ranking For His Dental Clinic?

A Google My Business (GMB) profile is a vital component of a dental practice’s online presence. While managing GMB rankings might seem like a task for a digital marketing professional, a dentist can certainly take on this task themselves. However, managing a GMB listing effectively requires a strategic approach and a commitment to consistent updates and engagement. Here’s how a dentist can approach managing GMB rankings. 


Understanding the Platform

Before anything else, a dentist needs to familiarise themselves with the GMB platform. Google provides a variety of resources and guides to help business owners understand how to use GMB effectively. With a basic understanding of the platform and its various features, a dentist can start to manage their GMB listing effectively. 


Claiming and Optimising the Listing

The first step to managing GMB rankings is to claim the GMB listing. Google usually requires verification to ensure the person claiming the listing is indeed associated with the business. After claiming the listing, it’s time to optimise it. This involves ensuring that all the information listed, such as the practice’s name, address, and phone number, is accurate and complete. Additionally, filling out sections like the business description, services, and operating hours can help improve rankings. 


Managing Google Reviews

Reviews play a significant role in GMB rankings. A dentist can encourage satisfied patients to leave reviews and can take the time to respond to reviews, showing appreciation for positive reviews and addressing any negative ones professionally. This can improve the practice’s online reputation and contribute to higher GMB rankings. 


Regular Updates

Google favours GMB listings that are regularly updated. A dentist can use features like Google Posts to share updates, news, or special offers directly on their GMB listing. Regular updates can help improve rankings and keep potential patients engaged with the listing. 


Using Insights

Google provides insights on GMB that show how people find and interact with the listing. These insights can help a dentist understand what aspects of their listing are working and what might need to be adjusted. Regularly reviewing and acting on these insights can lead to improved rankings over time. 


Local SEO

A basic understanding of local SEO can also help a dentist manage their GMB rankings. This might involve optimising the practice’s website with relevant local keywords, building local citations, and ensuring consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) information across all online platforms.

While managing GMB rankings is certainly possible for a dentist, it’s important to remember that it does require time and effort. If a dentist finds that they’re unable to devote the necessary time to manage their GMB listing effectively, or if they’re not comfortable with some of the more technical aspects of local SEO, it might be worth considering hiring a professional.

A digital marketing professional or agency that specialises in local SEO and GMB management can help improve rankings, manage reviews and updates, and provide valuable insights. However, even with professional help, a dentist should remain involved in the process, as their firsthand knowledge of their practice and their patients can provide invaluable insights into how to present the practice effectively online. 


What Not To Do While Managing GMB Ranking OF Your Dental Practice?

dos and donts managing gmb rankings dental practiceWhile optimising your Google My Business (GMB) listing is critical for enhancing your online visibility, it’s equally important to be aware of practices that could harm your GMB rankings or violate Google’s guidelines. Here are some things you should avoid:

  1. Inconsistent NAP Information: Always ensure your Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) are consistent across your GMB listing and all other online platforms. Inconsistent NAP information can confuse Google’s algorithm and lower your rankings.
  2. Keyword Stuffing: Avoid the temptation to stuff your listing with keywords in an attempt to improve your ranking. Google’s algorithm is sophisticated and can recognise and penalise this behaviour. It’s crucial to provide natural, valuable content in your GMB listing.
  3. Ignoring Reviews: Never ignore your reviews, whether positive or negative. Engaging with reviews demonstrates that you value your customers’ feedback and helps build trust. Ignoring or responding unprofessionally to negative reviews can harm your reputation and deter potential customers.
  4. Inaccurate Business Category: Always select the most accurate primary category for your business. Choosing a less relevant category for potential ranking benefits can confuse Google’s algorithm and lead to lower visibility for your listing.
  5. Fake Reviews: Never resort to fake reviews to improve your rating. Google has stringent policies against this practice, and if caught, your listing could be penalised or even removed.
  6. Non-compliance with Photo Guidelines: Ensure any photos you upload are in compliance with Google’s guidelines. This means they should be clear, relevant, and professional. Avoid uploading irrelevant or low-quality images, as this can negatively impact user experience and potentially harm your ranking.
  7. Neglecting to Update Information: Failing to keep your GMB listing updated is a mistake. Whether it’s a change in opening hours, new services or products, or updated contact information, keep your listing current. An outdated listing can misinform potential customers and lower their trust in your business.
  8. Creating Multiple Listings: Avoid creating multiple GMB listings for the same location. This can confuse both Google and potential customers and can lead to penalties from Google.
  9. Ignoring Google’s Guidelines: Google has clear guidelines for businesses using GMB. Violating these guidelines, whether intentionally or unintentionally, can result in penalties or the removal of your listing.
  10. Ignoring GMB Insights: GMB provides insights into how users interact with your listing. Ignoring these insights means missing out on valuable information that could help you optimise your listing and improve your ranking.

Remember, building a strong GMB presence is a process. It requires consistent effort and engagement. Avoiding the pitfalls mentioned above can help ensure your GMB ranking doesn’t suffer and that your business remains an attractive and trustworthy option for potential customers.

Maximising your Google My Business (GMB) profile is essential for enhancing the online visibility of your dental practice. But if you find managing your GMB profile overwhelming or time-consuming, MediBoost is here to help.

Our team of experts specialises in optimising and managing GMB profiles for dental practices. We understand the unique requirements of the dental industry and use our knowledge to help your practice climb the rankings and get noticed.

From keeping your information accurate and up-to-date, managing reviews, and uploading high-quality photos, to ensuring your local SEO is on point, we handle it all. Let MediBoost take care of your Google business profile so you can focus on what you do best – providing excellent dental care to your patients.

Contact us on 1300 163 058 today, and let’s get started on boosting your GMB ranking and driving more patients to your practice!




Five Simple Ways to Improve Your Ranking on Google | HuffPost Impact

Google my Business Ranking Strategy